Thursday, 19 November 2015

11th Entry - Healing 3, macrobiotics, nutrients, medicines & alternative therapies

The nutrients we ingest make us, literally, at least to the extent our genetic make up allows.

In my quest to heal, I was ready for anything, survival is a very strong imperative.

So this is a list of all the things I tried to make myself at least better, and hopefully healed.

Before that, I can safely say from what I can observe, death is the end game, and that cannot be avoided, at least on this side of Life.

I will make some comments but it is mainly a list.

A list of interventions, foods, etc. over the years:

Vitamin C is top, as one of the best anti-oxidants, and anti-viral.

Beta Carotene at very high potency, again an anti-oxidant.

Some herbs - Echinacea, Pau d'Arco (anti-viral, anti-carcinogenic), Astragalus, Shiitake mushrooms as food and supplement, Nettle, Dandelion, Rosemary, Oregano, Garlic, Onions, Black Seed (Onion Seeds), Siberian Ginseng (an alterative, adaptive), Cordyceps (a fungus parasite that grows on Caterpillars), others (when I remember)

Some nutrients - Caprylic Acid (derived from coconut), Brassica family vegetables (such as Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, etc), sprouted breads (such ass Manna bread), Romaine Lettuce (good alkalyser - alkalysing a sick body is very important to allow good bacteria to thrive, and control bad ones), Egg lecithin (anti-viral), sugar free chocolate
Lactic bacteria of many sorts, Lactobacillus Bulgicum, Acidophilus, Bifidum, etc (to heal the gut and replenish flora that can be depleted from toxins)
Honey, raw, and Royal Jelly
Fish, Rice, Pulse, Pumpkin seeds, shelled hemp seeds, Xylitol as sweetener, Thaumatin (a sweetener, which is a substance released in animals and plants under severe trauma)
Others (when I remember)

Glandular extracts (these are now banned because of CJD) - Thymus, Liver...

Oils - Olive, Hemp, Sesame (massage), grapeseed, Omega 3, Coconut

Medicines - various antibiotics to deal with infections, Nystatin to deal with Candida Albicans

This list will be updated as I remember more...

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

10th Entry - Healing 2

I will now start listing the nutrients, herbs, supplements and interventions that I believe helped me to heal from a serious condition Doctors were unable to diagnose me with from 1983 to 1999.

As I was losing weight, feeling extremely unwell with 'flu like symptoms, and with medical tests showing nothing was wrong with me, I chose to look up for myself on healing, thinking that I was either HIV infected, or having some kind of immune dysfunction.

At the same time, I turned to God for guidance and help.

Here I rush the list as it may be of help to some.

There was a book that pointed me to a good direction.

Candida Albicans
Could Yeast Be Your Problem?
By Leon Chaitow

It pointed me to some nutrients and foods, and was quite important in my healing.

When one is desperate, one tries many things, or one relies on others like Medical Doctors, as the latter couldn't help, I tested on myself several methods I read about or not.

As an example, I had diarrhoea that would not stop and persistent nausea. Rice was supposed to help, also some medicines, but none did.

Reading about herbs, I tried Rosemary, Dandelion and Nettle, and the diarrhea problem got alleviated tremendously.

This also pointed to a toxic liver, so later on under the guidance of a Nutritionit, I detoxed my liver through enema.

That helped, but symptoms persisted if attenuated.

I read of the work of Linus Pauling on Vitamin C and its anti-oxidant anti-viral effects, and embarked myself on a high dose Vitamin C regimen, in pure powder form.

The target was to stop my weight loss and debilitating symptoms, so I gradually increased the dosage, until I reached the whopping 50 grams a day!

Only then did I feel a marked improvement, as the dose was so high, I had to take mineral supplements to replenish the ones chelated by the Vitamin C.

If I had any doubts, they now evaporated that indeed this was a viral infection, or a toxicity being alleviated by high doses of Vitamin C.

I couldn't keep up with the dose of 50 grams a day, so reduced gradually to 20 grams, then 10 grams then 5 grams a day, and kept it at that for a few months.

At that time, I experienced what I could call a remission and felt almost healed, starting to gain weight, with more energy and stamina.

That was not the end of it, as 'flu like symptoms kept coming back with bouts of extreme fatigue.

The Leon Chaitow protocol involved taking nutrients that will control the overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast in the gut called Candida Albicans, and I had thrush in the mouth and rectally, so for me, this needed to be addressed.

Candida Albicans overgrowth is typical of a compromised immune system due to bad diet or lifestyle, but also from serious infections.

I cannot stress how important it is to tackle Candida Albicans overgrowth in any kind of condition, particularly life threatening ones, as it is one of the most important measure to determine if a system is healthy or not, some nutritionists going as far as saying that controlling Candida Albicans is a cure for Cancer!

Another herb I used was Echinacea Purpurea which is great for viral infections too as it stimulates the immune system.

Also used Raw Honey and Royal Jelly.

Shiitake mushrooms with good immune enhancing polysaccharides.

Fenugreek for glandular regulation.

Astragalus tinctures again good immune enhancing polysaccharides.

Siberian Ginseng tinctures, an alterative remedy that deals with dysregulation in the body caused by stressors be they infections, toxins or even medicine side effects.

At one stage, I used multi vitamin / mineral supplements in sublingual powder form as I seemed not to absorb properly through my gut, and the effects were dramatic as I felt much better after I did so for a while.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

9th Entry - Healing 1 - the very personal process of Healing

No Homeopathy entry, and there won't be until I find a combo that sorts out my folliculitis and acne :)

My journey into Healing has been overall satisfactory, having gotten rid of a bad virus from my system which clung and was supposed to stay for good, with me a healthy carrier.

So I will write about this. Well, something to focus on, and helpful too.

In 1985 I started feeling very unwell, losing weight, bouts of stomach upset, diarrhoea, low grade fever, persistent chills, and never ending nausea.

All tests didn't show anything abnormal.

I was wasting away, people noticed it, but the damn tests showed nothing, at least generally.

At that stage, and since the craze was on about it, I thought to be having what they called then an AIDS related complex, or ARC.

... to be continued here ;)

Saturday, 8 August 2015

8th entry - waffle

Being distracted is my second name, so focusing on writing a blog is problematic, this entry is just for stating this :)

Another thing, I got some vigorous retorts on twitter that my belief in homoeopathy working is a delusion, some earned a block from me because they were rude and condescending, I dislike rude.

The remedy that seems to work for acne and folliculitis / furonculosis in my case is Tarentula Cubensis and Crotalus Horridus, more on this in another entry ;)

Bipolar symptoms, well they are part of my issues with being distracted and insomniac.

Bye for now...

Monday, 6 April 2015

7th Entry - Homeopathy testing

After this hiatus of a few months, 7th entry ;-) Homeopathy testing, what I found out.

Good news, it works for some stuff, cannot vouch for everything, and probably also depends on hitting the correct substance for treatment.

When using these remedies on one's own, attention needs to be paid if combining to the antidotes of substances, as no use using a remedy and its antidote at the same time as they cancel out, even if the symptoms are similar.

The remedies for 'flu and colds worked very well for me, also those for sore throats.

I am planning to publish a list of combos soon, hopefully not in months... LOL!

I have been quite busy with 2 sisters visiting, also tweeting on my twitter account :)

My social media accounts are:



and this one google+

Most active on twitter though, for now, but as I reached my target of 2000 followers, I might start going back to look after the others, hehe.

Friday, 2 January 2015

6th Entry - missing the sea.

I was born in an oasis, a town at the threshold of the Sahara desert.

When I was 5 my family moved to the coast, and I spent all my youth, every summer by the sea.

I remember waking up at 6:00 am most days, and going on an early dip.

These were great days for me, when I experienced a special relationship to the Mediterranean Sea.

Now many decades later, I live in London, UK, and I do miss the Sea.

For eight years I lived in Brighton, East Sussex, and it was nice to be by the Sea, now this too is becoming a distant memory.