Monday, 30 November 2020

13th Entry - 4 years later, life under the shadow of a virus - COVID19 SARSCoV2

Having survived Hepatitis B, I drew on my experience tackling that virus to devise a protocol to cope with COVID19 SARSCoV2 -

Scattered on my twitter feeds, will attempt to put it in a coherent whole...

This is from copy & paste from my @inabster @meNabster twitter accounts -


#COVID19 treatment protocol, a live protocol - so far: #Quercetin #Zinc #Quinine #Catalase #Bromelain #Copper #VitD3 #VitC #Melatonin #Selenium #Echinacea #Shitake + #MultiVitMinerals + #Magnotherapy .

The most important ones are:#Quercetin #Zinc #VitD3 #VitC with #Bromelain #Copper for bioavailability& #Magnotherapy using Snowden magnetic pulse device at highest setting.
Twitter link -
Next entry, I will copy & paste more from my twitter feeds to put my experience & experiments into a coherent whole. Twitter is my main source of expression to the outside world& it works well with my psychological make up as I tend to think in bubbles, but the seriousness of this epidemic,& the fact that I & a niece of mine contracted this nasty virus warrants that I make an effort to participate into writing about what I am doing to cope with the aftermath of catching it, like ME / CFIDS, people who contract SARSCoV2 are susceptible to suffer serious residual effects, even in the case of mild infection...  In the next entries I will list other supplements which are being tried by other victims & which I am or have been trying as well, that will include of course the mother of all anti-inflammatory herbal supplements Cannabis which is sadly still criminalised in some countries including mine the United Kingdom - in the UK CBD extracted from Hemp is no longer criminalised, but THC is still criminalised unless it is prescribed through the NHS, which is somewhat a step in the right direction.
In later entries I will also enumerate a list of the bewildering symptoms & conditions that the COVID19 syndrome - the disease resulting from SARSCoV2 - plagues patients with, even mimicking some degenerative illnesses symptoms adding to the confusion.