Saturday 18 May 2024

Blog Entry 29 - mRNA COVID19 side effects

This entry will remain as a testimony to Google's censorship who deleted it claiming it violates its terms of service.

The next entry will be about issues with Spike Proteins & other harmful ingredients in the mRNA injections...

From my @X feeds:

Just purchased Health4All Wormwood 250mg 90 Capsules (V) Purest: no additives. Vegan Artemisia Absinthium Supplement. Already used tinctures & water distilled extracts, not sure the proper ones, so maybe these capsules will help from @AmazonUK

Symptoms: #Nerves.


🚨🚨🚨Recommended by the whistleblower movement of The New Federal State of China. <#Artemisinin Derivatives Detoxify SARS-Cov-2 Vaccine and Viral Spike Protein Adult Treatment Suggestion (2nd Edition)> and < Proposed Plan for the Prevention and Treatment of the New Coronavirus 11-2022 (3rd Edition)>. These suggestions are for reference only and not for medical advice. Please take the medicine according to the actual situation and follow the doctor's advice. Covid Vaccine and Viral Spike Protein DETOXIFICATION Adult Treatment Suggestion: Artemisinin Derivatives. Artemisinin Supplements are more accessible alternatives. (Disclaimer: This is not medical advice)

My Comments:

Re-bumping this long thread on treatment & prophylaxis against #COVID19, I should've refused to get the #mRNA poison & instead stuck to above orthomolecular treatments even #Ivermectin &/or #HCQ - sadly after 3rd #mRNA injection suffering from acute nervous pains.

I am now trying in desperation #Artemisinin @meNabster

No doubt in my mind #mRNA intervention & other toxic products still active in my body doing damage, already a very bad idea to teach immune system to produce spike proteins +other ingredients meant to harm hosts. cc @CartlandDavid @dwmoskowitz @gglinskii @naturallyFTW @elonmusk

My nervous symptoms (currently am a nervous wreck) are hampering me from functioning normally, so could not update my blog with these latest issues & my attempts to deal with them...

Used other Artemisinin products in tinctures or distilled in pure water. Wormwood may be best option. 3 of the liquid forms I tried: Artemisinin, Artemisia Annua & Common Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris, French: Armoise commune). Strongly believe my antiviral protocol protected me.

Just received my Wormwood capsules - may Allah alshafee make it a relief from this #mRNA poison I allowed them to inject me with, not diminishing or underestimating symptoms I also got beforehand through the #COVID19 bioweapon documented in my blog… @NFSC88JJ

PS: In case @Google deletes the page again, I am saving it in Microsoft Word.

Monday 30 August 2021

Blog Entry 28 - the case for (&/or against) Ivermectin

I am not a dogmatist, so will not rule out even a Big Pharma drug if it is successful in alleviating pain & reversing damage to the host.

From my looking up on social networks, there is still a hurdle for #COVID19 patients & victims that is not easy to resolve, & that is neurological symptoms mainly but also damages to tissues & organs that seem irreversible.

Some pundits swear by Ivermectin that it considerably helps with Long COVID.

Worrying reports prompt me to do so, among them this: that #SARSCoV2 alters DNA (I wonder how can this be reversed?)

Once SARS-CoV-2 invades, it releases mRNA strands which ribosomes try to process. This can lead to mutations of enzymes. It is even thought that COVID can alter DNA which may explain Long COVID problems months after infection.

Also there is my own issues, mainly neuropathy in my case which I have not been able to clear.

I will not mind testing on myself Ivermectin & observing how it deals with my neuropathy, as I desperately wish to wean myself off an addictive pain reliever, namely Pregabalin, of which I discussed on my @Twitter feeds & before on this blog.

In view I cannot get Ivermectin prescribed through the NHS, I will not test it on myself because I have the better safer healthier alternative of Quercetin based antiviral protocols with bioavailability helpers described in previous entries of this blog.

Saturday 10 July 2021

Blog Entry 27 - Revisiting Niacin championed by statistical epidemiologist Dr Dmitry Kats - Controversy...

I am taking time to post my findings as I rely on reports of efficacy which are not forthcoming (unlike for the case of Quercetin).

Dr Dmitry Kats keeps changing his flush Niacin based protocol by adding & removing supplements to use with it, I have tested some, & the last one Melatonin gave me a very bad reaction, so I am now very reluctant to promote a supplement which I am not convinced helps towards better health, as #COVID19 treatment or prophylactic.

The initial claims that flush Niacin is a treatment, antidote for all illnesses is unfounded as far as I can tell.

Dr Dmitry Kats keeps being suspended on @Twitter by clashing with people like me who are unconvinced, he has a religious like follow group who maybe are desperate enough to wish they have a cure for their Long Covid, some report benefitting, but there is no convincing trend I can take seriously.

Shall I include his new additions? maybe not. I do not easily give up on protocols, I will make some statements soon about what I can posit. 

These are some of my comments on @Twitter, I will sort this out later -

I can't tolerate 3mg melatonin, how will I tolerate 10mg? & Yes you are right the secret is in the ratios in supplementation because adding one at therapeutic dose disturbs the ecosystem balance of the body, we need more research in orthomolecular medicine to work out ratios.

I'm not suicidal, trying 3 mg Melatonin was extremely bad & nasty effects lasted 3 days! I will not also endorse it as I do not want to be sued for giving dangerous advice, Melatonin is not manufactured in UK, I get it from Poland/Germany. I am intolerant to high doses of it.

My guideline when using supplements is stop taking if it is harmful, the Melatonin obsessed advise me to triple the dose instead, they are dangerous & their ringleader Dmitry Kats is a paranoid obsessive maniac.

He (Dmitry Kats) was removed from @Twitter because he's an idiot who can't control his temper, is obsessive, paranoid & thinks Niacin cures all illnesses, he keeps adding stuff to it to make it "work", yet can't get himself to acknowledge #Quercetin which successfully treats #COVID19 #Pride gets in the way of good science.

Out of caution I urge people to wear masks when indoor & in crowded places, viruses do not exist on their own outside the host, they bind to other agents such as lipids/proteins, so the resulting particles can indeed be stopped by masks, viruses do not on their own float in air.

Dmitry Kats said avoid NAC, then changed his mind, he is doing trial & error, #Quercetin is good against #COVID19, yet he avoids mentioning it like the plague, he has an ego issue & can't handle criticism, I have been into healing since the 1980's before he was even born.

@yuri_pavlov74 - 
I don’t think the question is if melatonin works or not, it has side effects in some people not others. So the proper thing to do, is figure out what is causing the negative effects of melatonin, e.g. the source, the gut, etc. I personally like melatonin but I can’t tolerate it.

When you finally work out the dosage ratios come back to patients, you are playing with people's health, this is unfair & dangerous, you might hide in Russia, but I will sue the crap out of Dmitry if I keep on having symptoms! - cc @jack @Twitter @Facebook @Google @telegram @WHO

@SantaKlauSchwab Melatonin triggered back bipolar in me, does not suit me, I tried 1mg Melatonin w/ 500 mg Niacin 500 mg Niacinamide & 600 mg NAC, got a bad reaction, same above with 3mg Melatonin & got a far worse reaction, it doesn't suit my system to feed it extra Melatonin.

Disturbing ecosystem balance of hosts with nutritional supplements need proper investigation. My trial & error methods can be dangerous, my methodology is increase a supplement intake until you get results, until now it hasn't killed me, but I won't recommend it for others.

As exhibit, my dealing with acute Hepatitis B in the mid 80's & above - I increased Vitamin C intake until 50 gms per day, it led to dangerous decrease of Potassium in my body, though it helped control the virus, it is lucky I realised that & started supplementing with minerals.

It is why I keep putting the disclaimer "do at your own risk" & "do consult with a nutritionist/naturopath..." - in fact this is what I exactly did in the late 80's & this is what gave me extra experiential background as I used the consultations to improve my knowledge.

Having a background in research in Science also helped, conversely if using a supplement in high doses is not well tolerated it should be used with great caution, this is for me the case for antihistamines & melatonin. Dr Dmitry Kats pushing Melatonin should beware as I do.

I have not given up on flush Niacin yet, I am still using it, but adding 3 mg Melatonin gave me very worrying symptoms, so I cannot use Melatonin, my host reaction is my best guideline. I will attempt to pen my experience in the next entry in my blog I put in as placeholder.

I will never ever recommend or advise something that does not work for me or make my condition worse.

To Dr Dmitry Kats: You just started babbling about Melatonin very recently, before you said avoid NAC, then you added it, then you added Niacinamide, you are playing with people as guinea pigs, that's not decent. I cannot tolerate even 1 mg Melatonin, you want to kill me?

Dmitry Kats got again suspended, his ego & pride gets in the way of his science. I'm confident #Quercetin is enough to protect me from #COVID19. No need for Vit B3 you keep adding supplements to to make it work. So far I have no clue what the benefit for me of Niacin is...

Dr Dmitry Kats keeps adding stuff to Niacin to make it work, Melatonin his latest, I tried it but it gave me very bad symptoms, sadly I do not know if #LongCovid is treatable, an MD told me damage can be permanent to tissues affected by #SARSCoV2 infection, so cannot be reversed.

There is worse, it is also posited that #SARSCoV2 alters DNA, I wonder how can this be reversed?

Once SARS-CoV-2 invades, it releases mRNA strands which ribosomes try to process. This can lead to mutations of enzymes. It is even thought that COVID can alter DNADNAwhich may explain Long COVID problems months after infection.

On Niacin (& adding Melatonin) - my comment:
Not so sure, we need more empirical results & testimonies to make a solid case, I'm still not 100% convinced, it is why I am not promoting it as I'm promoting #Quercetin, taking vitamins in megadoses is not well researched, disturbing ecosystem balance of hosts with them need more research. & I am still reeling with bad symptoms since my ingesting 3 mg of Melatonin! It screwed up my system.


Saturday 26 June 2021

Special Entry - Call to petition governments for an antiviral treatment & prophylaxis protocol to save lives against SARSCoV2.

Call to petition governments for an antiviral treatment & prophylaxis protocol to save lives against SARSCoV2 COVID19.

As I said many times - 

Vaccines have time limited success against mutating viruses & often no success like in case of HIV, this is why an antiviral immunotherapy & treatment protocol such as the one I collated is important, it treats & successfully inoculates against #SARSCoV2 #COVID19.

The obsession with vaccines as sole route to contain this pandemic is lucrative, but it is risking lives & with a very worrying trend of the virus keeping on mutating will lead to a global disaster & catastrophe on a planetary scale.

There is none if even little traction on other options than vaccines & this despite the piling reports that the antiviral immunotherapy protocol I collated & described in Entry 15 & extra is highly successful in successfully treating & inoculating against #SARSCoV2 #COVID19.

& it's getting worse - with #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 Delta+ variant, even mRNA vaccines can't stop it & it leads to hospitalisations - Fully vaccinated Israelis still got infected with Delta coronavirus variant... so antiviral protocol centred around #Quercetin is essential best protection @WHO

I am trying to find the right wording to produce a piece of text (pamphlet maybe?) to promote it on @ChangeUK to put pressure on governments to make it accessible to the public at large on the same scale as vaccines.

I will publish the wording here & open it for amendments & comments to my social networks followers, then, with a good text that stirs politically for impact, will submit is as petition & encourage my followers & readers to promote it.

I will base the #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 #COVIDTreatment @ChangeUK petition advocating the antiviral treatment & protection protocol, collated in Blog Entry 15 - Extra, using the wording of this article... @gglinskii @dwmoskowitz @inabster
This blogger was shamelessly banned by Medium/Elemental for daring to promote alternative therapies against #COVID19 No matter I set up the petition, I don't care or mind if it does not attract signatures, what is important is that it is in the air & United Nations are notified - follows links to it & updates, also its full text & updates -

Petition Governments to support antiviral protocols against COVID-19

Quercetin Saves Lives.

AntiViral Covid-19 reatments based on #Quercetin are shown to be successful in protecting against & treating SARSCoV2 COVID-19 infections.

Petition Governments to finance such protocols along #mRNA vaccines.  

#Quercetin supplementation in therapeutic doses with bioavailability helpers is empirically an effective natural treatment & inoculation against #SARSCoV2 #COVID19

I have been promoting this protocol on my healing blog

Its empirical effectiveness has been posted in long threads on Twitter -

Make Quercetin available along with mRNA vaccines to save lives.

These supplements act in synergy & degrade the #SARSCoV2 virus on several fronts, empirical reports show this is an effective treatment & a prophylactic against the Covid-19 virus.                                       

Vaccinate when offered, safe vaccines teach the immune system how to recognize & eliminate viruses from hosts, they are preventive, not a cure.

Maintenance doses I take & advise are:

Quercetin - 1 gm per day (divide in 2 doses every 12 hours).

Zinc - 25 mg to 50 mg elemental Zinc per day.

Bromelain - 500 mg per day

Vitamin D3 - 6,000 UI per day (with K2)

Copper - 1,000 mcg per day

Vitamin C - 2 gm per day.

In acutes (like in the middle of the infection)

Quercetin - 2 gm to 6 gm per day (divided in two doses every 12 hours).

Zinc - 50 mg to 75 mg elemental Zinc per day.

Bromelain - 500 mg to 1 g per day.

Vitamin D3 - 10,000 UI per day (with K2).

Copper - 1,000 mcg per day.

Vitamin C - 4 gm per day.

Usually the infection should clear within a few days to a week, doses of Vitamin C can be increased as needed but then above 4 gm per day get a multi mineral supplement including magnesium, calcium & potassium as minerals with high doses of Vitamin C get chelated by the body, also it is reported that Quercetin reduces amounts of Vitamin C.

Keeping the maintenance dose is recommended until this pandemic abates &/or a successful vaccine is used.

The above were my own trial & error dealing with my own SARSCoV2 Covid-19 infection, follow up by a good naturopath/nutritionist/herbalist is highly recommended.

Dramatic positive results using Quercetin!

6 JUL 2021 — 

Many report feeling better after a few hours of ingesting a megadose of #Quercetin (1g, 2g) - the positive effects are dramatic & immediate #QuercetinSavesLives #COVIDTreatments - 

Important discovery - #Quercetin is a mast cell stabilizer. It blocks host's overly exuberant response. #Quercetin blocks #cytokinestorm, it doesn't matter which viral variant causes it. There's no way #SARSCoV2 can develop resistance to it. It allows for natural inoculation.

#Acutes Quercetin 500 mg twice a day of quercetin is good starting dose for most adults. If heavy (>200 lb) or severely ill, e.g. short of breath, start at 1 g twice a day. The key is double the dose every day symptoms persist, up to 3 g twice a day. As advised by @dwmoskowitz

An important note: no food, herb can contain enough #Quercetin in therapeutic dosage to help against #COVID19, the minimum required amount for prevention per day is 500mg, no choice but to supplement, average diets will never reach such high amounts.

For prevention, MD Dr Zev Zelenko from direct experience with patients advises the following -
    Quercetin 500 mg once a day
    Elemental Zinc 25 mg once a day
    Vitamin C 1,000 mg once a day.

Quercetin, the most common plant flavonoid, is inexpensive and readily available, present in onions, capers, tea, cilantro, apples, etc. It makes flowers yellow.
A patient was doing poorly but responded dramatically to quercetin. In the absence of any treatment for COVID19, Quercetin should certainly be considered.
It may even serve as prophylaxis.
In addition, Quercetin should be considered for additional viruses whose nucleocapsid proteins are basic secretagogues that could activate the mast cell MRGPRX2 receptor, such as Ebola and dengue, etc.
From the public health point of view, Quercetin is ideal.
It is safe: the average diet already consists of quercetin 10-15 mg/day, and large doses are well tolerated. It may be the yellow lining in the COVID19 pandemic.

@gglinskii clearly states, protocol collated from several empirical positive reports goes far beyond #COVID19 mitigation. It's a baseline health-maintenance strategic approach to support T cell immunity, maintain healthy blood vessels & functionally adequate endothelial linings.

All the above advice are congruent & in line with the antiviral protocol I put together for myself & family & those who care to stay alive & well -

 via @meNabster @inabster

All prefixed by @ means @Twitter handles accounts.