Wednesday, 27 January 2021

22nd Entry - Supplements & advice to help staying healthy & fit

#HowToStayYoung ./thread - 1./ alkalise body.

2./ eat less
3./ blood type diet - eat more of some / avoid other foods

4./ drink water 

5./ Fast at least 3 days a year. Muslim fast is good. 6./ Cider Trim from Health Aid (fight obesity) -

7./ Amino Acids / supplements that help metabolism such as 7a/ DMAE -
DMAE - Mood & Cognitive Elevation - think young #HowToStayYoung

R-Lipoic Acid very powerful anti-oxidant, energiser, & cell regenerator. Works very well with 8./ AMPK Activator -

AMPK Activator - promotes longevity factors, enhances metabolism.

Berberine - natural AMPK Activator, many health & longevity enhancing benefits, strong cell support, antioxidant -

Just as a side note here, the Metformin drug given to reduce sugar levels in Diabetics Type 2 happens also to be a good AMPK activator.

9./ PQQ - Cognitive helper, muscle energy regenerator, can help ME/CFIDS, better absorbed with Glutathione & CoQ10 -

10./ Eat less wheat, or replace it with sprouted wheat, spelt is a good alternative, or buckwheat, rice...

Manna bread is great for Blood Type O's.

PJ d'Adamo advises what he calls a blood type diet where he lists category of foods best to eat & avoid according to your blood type, I am type O+ & followed that diet for a while, now I am more aware of the foods to avoid though I do still eat them, but in smaller quantity, whereas I try to eat more of the foods that are beneficial to my blood type, google it & see what is the advice for your blood type if you have lifestyle health issues that do not resolve. Sensible to avoid refined sugars in any case.

11./ Re-inoculate gut via friendly bacteria probiotics & prebiotics helpers 12./ Use digestive enzymes to help as well - good combo here - Enzymedica Digest Basic Plus Probiotic -

13./ Lose lots of weight combo without exercise with the above esp.: Cider Trim
R-Lipoic Acid
AMPK Activator
Reduce carbohydrates
Replace refined sugar with stevia / xylitol
Water melon or its juice
Green Tea
Matcha Tea
Friendly bacteria

Watermelon increases nitric oxide levels in the body which helps blood vessels expand, which lowers blood pressure #Nutrition #Superfoods.

13b. / "Serrapeptase" - an enzyme with huge cleansing / regenerating / anti-inflammatory capability, great for many inflammatory conditions, & in making old age more bearable.

14./ Other amino-acids/nutrients of interest for slimming, muscling, regenerating cells: L-Tyrosine Choline Bitartrate Inositol Glycine L-Leucine CLA Gingko Biloba

Combination of L-Leucine & L-Valine gives relief to mania states, along with benefits of lean muscle gain & weight loss - this is what I am trying to use for bipolar to replace psychotropic drugs with nasty side effects I have been prescribed & 5HTP to replace anti-depressants.

There is nutritional high protein maker drinks/bars who are good at making health enhancing snacks & drinks with no added sugars, I discovered a great fizzy drink which incorporates Leucine & Valine - "Grenade Energy".

14a./ Raspberry Ketone can aid slimming combined with some of the above. 14b./ I found DMAE & AMPK activators & Iodine most potent synergistically with any other slimming nutrient.

Also use meal replacement alternatives - Slimfast is pretty good, they now do it with no sugar added (no aspartame) - sucralose instead (I find it OK, xylitol or stevia would have been better) vis - no charge for the advert...

Cannabis CBD/THC is the Healing Queen - Patent # 6630507 FDA - proven medical benefits.

#Hackingthebody Other nutrients of interest: Astragalus Quercetin Allicin (garlic extract) Moringa Oleifera Herbal Jiaogulan Gynostemma Herbal (AMPK activator) Mushroom polysaccharides (anti-oxidant+) as Lion's Mane (nice in powder with coffee or hot chocolate, nutty
Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes
Face savouring food

Little did I know then how important #Quercetin is for healing & as an antiviral combined with Zinc, Bromelain & other supplements (VitD3, VitC, Copper, Niacin, Selenium, Echinacea, Quinine...)
I think adding Quercetin & Zinc & other co-factors will help even more to protect the host against pathogens.

I also occasionally take homeopathic gelsemium + anas barbariae + bryona + rhus tox + influenzinum - so far have not had a 'flu in 3 years+

#Quercetin is amazing, it's not just a Zinc ionophore it has other great benefits as antioxidant, anti-aging, cell regeneration & cardiovascular benefits, combined with others such as PQQ, L-Carnosine, Cannabis... it can work wonders for a host's immunity & health.

Another Mushroom powder polysaccharides (anti-oxidant+) potent mix as Mushroom Complex 6 - 100g Powder - Chaga - Cordyceps - Shiitake - Reishi - Lions mane - Maitake - #Hackingthebody #YoungLiving

#HackingTheBrain Brain, Memory, Lucid Dreaming: S5 Huperzine A 200 mcg + Gingko Biloba LucidEsc, Plant-Based Memory + Sleeping Awareness, Huperzine A + Alpha GPC + Choline Bitartrate with Ginger Root + Cardamom Extract... also PQQ, Astaxanthin, Quercetin (support)

For my bipolar I try on rotation these which
work for me to an extent - instead of side effects laden psychotropics -
5HTP + L-Leucine + L-Valine + Omega 3 + Astaxanthin + Huperzine A + Gingko Biloba.


8 Science-Backed Benefits of MSM Supplements

1. Can Decrease Joint Pain, Which Could Improve Your Quality of Life

2. Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects, Such as Increasing Glutathione Levels

3. Can Speed Recovery After Exercise by Reducing Muscle Damage & Stress

4. Helps Alleviate Arthritis Symptoms by Reducing Pain & Stiffness

5. May Help Relieve Allergy Symptoms by Reducing Inflammation

6. Can Boost Immunity and Help You Stay Healthy

7. Could Improve Skin Health by Strengthening Keratin

8. May Have Cancer-Fighting Properties.

Alkalising the body is very beneficial because the body is naturally alkaline (apart from the stomach), but if our diet is poor (or illness) can make it more acid, some pathogens also thrive in acid.
If you are lazy to adhere to a diet use a short cut - Alkazone drops Grimacing face- otherwise
look up for fruits/vegetables naturally alkaline / use sodium bicarbonate.

Drink Olive Oil on Empty Stomach or Before Bed and After Days start experiencing these 9 Incredible Benefits:

The End (for now)

21st Entry - Other Supplements reported to help against COVID-19 & Magnetotherapy...

This is just a list of supplements & nutrients/teas anecdotally reported, on their own or as part of a combo, to help against #COVID19, they might be repeated from before... some of these cannot be combined with Niacin -

Niacin (with Zinc) might be used on its own according to Dr Dimtry Kats, i.e. he claims it is an antidote to SARSCoV2 - to be confirmed...

Fisetin - another bioflavonoid, not easily biaoavailable, similar to or better than Quercetin, taking with bioperine might improve absorption & bioavailability.




Curcumin/Turmeric extract



Vitamin B2



Black Seed (Nigella Sativa)

Siberian Ginseng

Green Tea


Shiitake Mushrooms


Red Wine




Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)

Glycyrrhizic acid / glycyrrhizin (extracted mainly from liquorice)

Pycnogenol, a compound extracted from Maritime Pine Bark

It's been found out that the antioxidant Selenium has a big effect on #COVID19 morbidity, those with high selenium diets do far better in treatment than those with low selenium diet - as per article -

Therefore #COVID19 victims (i.e. those testing positive to #SARSCoV2 virus) will benefit from also supplementing with Selenium to increase their chances of survival while in treatment & before treatment if asymptomatic.

I do take Selenium supplements in rotation on & off, it is safe practice to do so. #OrthomolecularMedicineSupplementationScience.

Orthomolecular Medicine notes: Vitamin B2 (water soluble) needs to be replaced daily, it makes FAD/FMN which is precursor of Glutathione GSH, master antioxidant which fights infections via T-Cells & NK cells. Vit B2 makes MAIT cells which target viral infections.

Bailly & Vergroten (2020) state that glycyrrhizic acid, a triterpenoid saponin mainly isolated from licorice, is a non-haemolytic saponin & a potent immuno-active anti-inflammatory agent & should be considered to treat #COVID19 patients.
- courtesy Dr. Simon says... @goddeksineal

Over 100 studies done on Pycnogenol, a compound extracted from Maritime Pine Bark found this natural antiviral superfood effective against Covid.
A healing pundit @MjrPretty advises that her family takes 600mg daily - via @meNabster @WHO @NHSuk @UN

"Turmeric Root and Its Bioactive Ingredient Curcumin Effectively Neutralize SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro" Anti-inflammatory Anti-dementia And now--Anti-SARS-CoV2 The spice that keeps on giving - - courtesy of

CouNAC N-Acetyl-Cysteine benefits against acute #COVID19 reduces the risk for mechanical ventilation and mortality in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia: a two-center retrospective cohort study -

NAD+ benefits against #LongCovid - Harvard's Dr. Tanzi is doing a clinical trial for Long COVID using NAD+ supplement NR: - link fixed courtesy @RaisingNad -

Orthomolecular note: Vitamin B3 helps in the effective use of NAD+ in the body.

*** Up to Health Professionals to use & combine at discretion ***

Magnetotherapy -

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