Thursday 19 November 2015

11th Entry - Healing 3, macrobiotics, nutrients, medicines & alternative therapies

The nutrients we ingest make us, literally, at least to the extent our genetic make up allows.

In my quest to heal, I was ready for anything, survival is a very strong imperative.

So this is a list of all the things I tried to make myself at least better, and hopefully healed.

Before that, I can safely say from what I can observe, death is the end game, and that cannot be avoided, at least on this side of Life.

I will make some comments but it is mainly a list.

A list of interventions, foods, etc. over the years:

Vitamin C is top, as one of the best anti-oxidants, and anti-viral.

Beta Carotene at very high potency, again an anti-oxidant.

Some herbs - Echinacea, Pau d'Arco (anti-viral, anti-carcinogenic), Astragalus, Shiitake mushrooms as food and supplement, Nettle, Dandelion, Rosemary, Oregano, Garlic, Onions, Black Seed (Onion Seeds), Siberian Ginseng (an alterative, adaptive), Cordyceps (a fungus parasite that grows on Caterpillars), others (when I remember)

Some nutrients - Caprylic Acid (derived from coconut), Brassica family vegetables (such as Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, etc), sprouted breads (such ass Manna bread), Romaine Lettuce (good alkalyser - alkalysing a sick body is very important to allow good bacteria to thrive, and control bad ones), Egg lecithin (anti-viral), sugar free chocolate
Lactic bacteria of many sorts, Lactobacillus Bulgicum, Acidophilus, Bifidum, etc (to heal the gut and replenish flora that can be depleted from toxins)
Honey, raw, and Royal Jelly
Fish, Rice, Pulse, Pumpkin seeds, shelled hemp seeds, Xylitol as sweetener, Thaumatin (a sweetener, which is a substance released in animals and plants under severe trauma)
Others (when I remember)

Glandular extracts (these are now banned because of CJD) - Thymus, Liver...

Oils - Olive, Hemp, Sesame (massage), grapeseed, Omega 3, Coconut

Medicines - various antibiotics to deal with infections, Nystatin to deal with Candida Albicans

This list will be updated as I remember more...

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