Saturday 27 December 2014

Third entry, on me, Google OS and IT

I find it pretty hard to create my own content, and easier to react to content, such as commenting below the line on Newspapers, my favourite being The Guardian, in which I use different nicks because I get banned so often.

My views are not always politically correct nor mainstream.

My next posts will be about my comments on Newspapers, and things such as my support for the fight against neo-nazism in Ukraine.

I could label myself as a child of the Information age, or a victim of it and its instruments, such as comment sections of newspapers, news-feeds and as I am a techie, websites to do with Information Technology and Science.

I conceptualised the idea of an Operating System based on a Browser (now Chrome OS chromebooks, etc) in the 1990's when Netscape 2.0 saw the light of day.

In Moscow, in 1999, I even had an associate make me meet a group of Software developers who were working on such an idea, and they showed me their apps working from within a Netscape browser as plugins, one of which was a rudimentary Write Pad, and another a Paint Pad using plugins.

I tried to get investment for such an idea to a rich Saudi investor interested in technology but it fell on deaf ears.

He missed an opportunity seized by Google ten years later, and me the opportunity to make a dent in the Software Industry.

Instead, it still remains a hobby for me, an expensive hobby at that, but very enjoyable as a tech-savvy user.

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